4 Leadership Must Dos for Cultivating Mental Health & Wellness

4 Leadership Must Dos for Cultivating Mental Health & Wellness As you’ll have heard me share repeatedly in other blogs, supporting mental health in the workplace is integral to fostering inclusive and supportive employee experiences. It’s fundamental for creating environments where team members feel valued, motivated, and empowered to bring their full selves to work […]
Shift Leadership – A New Paradigm for Unlocking Engagement, Belonging, Empathy, and Psychological Safety in Workplaces

Shift Leadership – A New Paradigm for Unlocking Engagement, Belonging, Empathy, and Psychological Safety in Workplaces Our workplaces are deeply struggling. They were burdened before the pandemic, but as we’re seeing, it feels like we’re worse off now. And to boot, our old ways of leading won’t help to yield the change we desperately require. […]
Why Minimization Is the Enemy of Belonging in the Workplace

Why Minimization Is the Enemy of Belonging in the Workplace “At our organization, we deeply value inclusion and belonging, and we encourage every team member to bring their authentic selves to work.” – Said by every organization out there! In bhasin consulting inc.’s inclusive leadership work, we leverage the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a highly […]
5 Steps for Creating Belonging in the Workplace

5 Steps for Creating Belonging in the Workplace Belonging in the workplace matters. And it matters more now than ever before. As I share in my bestselling and award-winning book We’ve Got This, belonging is the profound feeling of being accepted for who you are by your own self and by the people you choose […]
Leverage the Seven Behavioral Dimensions to Cultivate Belonging at Work

Leverage the Seven Behavioral Dimensions to Cultivate Belonging at Work As you may know, we’re huge advocates for cultivating belonging in the workplace for a myriad of reasons. I also feel this way on a personal note – it’s critical that we stand in our power to claim belonging in how we work and lead […]
Flow Between Your Authentic Self and Adapted Self – Part 2, a Spotlight on The Three Selves Framework

Flow Between Your Authentic Self and Adapted Self – Part 2, a Spotlight on The Three Selves Framework™ In last month’s blog, I spotlighted my Three Selves Framework™ – a model for living, working, and leading more authentically AND for cultivating greater belonging in the workplace. It’s a tool that I flesh out at length in […]
Spotlighting the Magic of The Three Selves Framework

Spotlighting the Magic of The Three Selves Framework™ In this blog, I want to spotlight my Three Selves Framework™ – a model for living, working, and leading more authentically AND for cultivating greater belonging in the workplace. I dig into this powerful tool in both my bestselling books The Authenticity Principle and We’ve Got This […]
Unlock Your Authentic Self and Claim Your Belonging

Unlock Your Authentic Self and Claim Your Belonging I can’t underscore just how important it is that you commit to living, working, and leading more authentically. In doing so, you will unlock a life that’s rooted in belonging – both personally and professionally. This is exactly what I talk about in my recent interview with […]
Why Authentic Leadership Must be Part of Your DEI Strategy as We Start to Return to In-Person Work

Lately there’s been more and more talk about the world opening up, with many workplaces starting to make plans for a return to in-person or hybrid work. Although there is plenty of excitement around “getting back to normal”, the prospect of returning to the workplace is feeling daunting for many.