Our Areas of Expertise
Allyship is a Critical Component of Inclusive Leadership
Allyship is a concept that has been leveraged in social advocacy communities for years and is now increasingly being embraced by leaders to build more inclusive workplace cultures. This is a must-teach-and-learn area for executive leadership teams because it targets inequities in talent management and systemic change.
Executive Leadership Training That Has Impact
At bci, we have developed an approach to teaching allyship that is highly impactful for fostering inclusion and belonging – particularly for leaders and team members who are looking for more advanced and nuanced behavioral change strategies to be more inclusive.
Why Choose bci for Allyship Training
Our allyship training for executive leaders and their teams takes our foundational DEI training to the next level by digging deeper into concepts of equity, power, privilege, anti-oppression, and more. In a very concrete way, we break down how to be an ally by providing highly practical tools and strategies. Topics we cover in our allyship training include:
How allyship is connected to being an inclusive leader and cultivating belonging.
Having Difficult Conversations
What to say in difficult moments to show up as an ally and interrupt inequities.
Practical strategies for applying an allyship lens to team interactions and talent management.
We Help Organizations Build a Culture of Allyship
Allyship training is essential for shifting both organizational culture and leadership behavior to better advance professionals from equity-seeking communities, including Professionals of Color, women, LGBTQ+ professionals, and professionals from other underrepresented communities.
At bci, we hold in-depth knowledge of leadership, talent management, and DEI best practices for creating cultures rooted in allyship, expertly breaking down how to embed these behaviors across areas like: mentorship and sponsorship; work allocation; performance management; leadership opportunities; talent calibration discussions; succession planning; and, promotions.
Did You Know?
Anyone can be
an ally.
When we step into the role of an ally, we offer our friendship, advocacy, support, power, privilege, and voice to those who come from communities that experience underrepresentation and marginalization. In offering our support as allies, we stand next to or behind — but never in front of — equity-seeking communities.
This means that while it is important to use your voice, actions, and privilege to call out inequities, allies need to focus on listening as much as they speak in order to learn how to better use their voice as an advocate and to ensure they do not co-opt others’ experiences.
All of bci’s allyship training can be offered virtually or in-person.
Allyship Resources
Want to shift leadership, cultivate belonging, grow empathy, and unlock psychological safety in your workplace?
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